I've always been baffled by how sensitive people are about their beliefs. Recently I have felt like every time I posted an opinion on facebook it is met with harsh and i mean harsh criticism from someone and or some of my co workers that are liberals. I am not a very good arguer, so it's hard for me to defend my stance on an issue which makes me angry because I want to. But I mean really, can't people just leave their opinions to themselves. I really dont want to hear your opinion on every single little thing I post about something I Like be it serious or no.
I believe in freedom of speech but if I feel attacked every time I state something here in Seattle is it really freedom of speech? Because I believe different does that mean I have to keep my mouth shut. Probably. It's one of those things i'm not quite sure about and Don't want to ask about really I just want to compain about it because it's been bugging me.
I feel like this nation is going down hill since Obama has taken office. I feel nervous for our country it's not strong anymore. It's not just obama, it's politics in general. I'm not sure why but I just feel nervous and anxious all at the same time.